Sponsorship Details & Checklist
Rise & Shine Coffees are held the 1st Wednesday of each month, 7:30am-9:00am.
Locations: Your place of business or the Chamber office. 169 Café is also an option if you would like them to provide your food and drinks. You would need to call and speak to Pam for menu options.
The Chamber will be open & a representative from the Chamber will be there by 7:10am. Everything needs to be ready to serve at 7:30am.
Coffee and pastries/snacks are to be provided by the sponsor. You may consider ordering airpots of coffee from Cornerstone Coffee next door or contact a coffee shop of your choice to see what they have to offer. We do have a Keurig here to use if desired, but we always encourage using a Chamber member for these items.
We advise that the coffee be ordered 2 weeks in advance if you decide to use Cornerstone or another coffee shop.
We provide the following items plates, utensils, napkins, cups, etc.
Average attendance is 15-20 people.
The event will be promoted via Chamber emails as well as social media.
Chamber Director and/or Chamber Board members will be present for the duration of the event.
Distribution of materials is permitted by the sponsor.
Since this is a come and go event there is no program. However, we do have a television that we can display information that you would like. You will need to get a file (JPEG, PNG, PDF or video) sent to director@smithvillechamber.org at least one week prior in case edits need to be made.
Some sponsors do have an item to raffle at the end, but it is not required.
The event will conclude by 9:00am.
Thank you for sponsoring a Rise & Shine Coffee.
We appreciate your support!